Monday, April 30, 2007

Moving on

It's a good thing I never really bothered to fully unpack from my last move, because it should save me a fair amount of time over the next couple of weeks. (Although I'm going to try as hard as I can to downsize, so some of these boxes may go straight into the trash.)

But after all the moaning I've done about where I live, I actually did something about it and will be moving to D.C. shortly. As a couple of people have already noted, I didn't really do myself any favors seeing as it's about to become summer down there. But I moved to Connecticut right as winter started, so my track record on these sorts of things isn't so stellar.

Anyhow, stay tuned for all the fun that moving entails. (Or, "entrails," if you happened to catch the most recent episode of "The Sopranos.")

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Burning sensation

If you read my post from Taiwan on high-tech toilets, you'll recall that I wondered if there was a "toast" setting on the heated seat.

As it turns out, I wasn't so far off. The toilets officially are a fire hazard.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Last one...

Got back from Miami yesterday, but this is a shot from Saturday night. On the bright side, the weather in the Northeast has improved considerably since I left for Florida.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Don't hate me

Just for fun, this is the view from my hotel room balcony around 7:30 a.m. today:

Hope it's nice where you are.

Monday, April 16, 2007


At the risk of jinxing anything, I am hopeful I am close to being able to leave Connecticut for good.

I have a few opportunities brewing, and the timing could not be better. Until this past week, I hadn't had any problems with my boss. Then, he decided to very publicly question a decision I made without bothering to ask me about it first. Right before he went on vacation, no less.

I'm totally over this place.

Oh, and for those of you who care, I am happy to say I will be adding to my Not In Connecticut (tm) tally this week. On the heels of this icky weather in the Northeast (we just got a lot of rain, and only minor flooding where I am, so I can't complain too much), I'm headed to Miami. Forecast is 80s and sunny, and I'm totally psyched about eating the food down there. It'll be good to catch up with some folks as well.

Oh, there's some workshop I'm supposed to give, too, but, who has time to worry about that?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Folks in too big of a rush

If you've ever ignored a street musician, read this article that I happened across when I picked up The Washington Post this past Sunday.

This isn't some guy wheezing away on a saxaphone or playing guitar through a blown-out amp. This is a world-class performer giving a free concert. Outside a subway station.

A wonderful read, made even better by the extras on the Post's Web site.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Wow ... just wow

I always feel a little bad when I complain that I'm "busy," because I'm usually not. In fact, I have a decent amount of free time, though I do devote a lot of it to sleep.

But these two guys have a ton of free time, as evidenced by their "Seven Minute Sopranos."

The New York Times has the backstory.