But this was the state it was in last week. I fear that it has withered as much as it is going to, but if there are further changes I will post a new photo. The subject has gone from light, fluffly cupcake to rock hard over the past couple of months, and we have avoided the ant invasion I expected.
This, by the way, is a cupcake mix product, so I'll just leave you to imagine the loads of preservatives that are in this thing.
Elsewhere in the office is a very distressed Peep that has been getting sadder by the day since Easter. If I remember to, I will get a shot of that experiment, too.
Lest you think my workplace is filled with slobs -- well, it kinda is.
We're getting a couple of new people over the next few weeks, and one of my co-workers was kind enough to clean out the cube that's currently used as the staging area for our take-out food. Needless to say, the cube was a little grody. (Man, when was the last time you heard that word?) Anyway, hot water and a scrub pad failed to sufficiently remove the layers of kung pao sauce, salsa, pizza cheese, etc. that had built up since the cube was last occupied, so my co-worker went off in search of something stronger.
The cleaning product he returned with had an odd odor of pine and lemon, which pretty much overwhelmed the office within seconds. I did note that, as stated in bold lettering near the top of the can, this product is certified to kill HIV.
I'm not sure what the person who buys our cleaning supplies thinks goes on in this place, but obviously I'm missing out on something.
my co-workers once left a twinkie out to see how long it would last. a few weeks later, there was mold only on the wrapper. a few weeks after that there was so much mold on the wrapper that the twinkie had to be thrown out. i hope your cupcake sans a wrapper lasts forever.
we did that experiment here in the office with :
1) a can of tuna
2) a can of campbell's classic, cream of potato soup
both were horrible.
the soup required the purchase of multiple air freshening devices to even be able to walk down the aisle.
That cupcake is seriously awesome. Who made that, and in what kind of oven?!
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