Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm going to pay for this in more than one way

I've been pretty much eating and spending my way through the past week, and there's still a good four days until I have to be a productive member of society again.

There's going to be a few extra trips to the gym when I get home, but it's been well worth it. I've been hitting some favorite spots here in Portland as well as new spots, and that's in addition to all the face-stuffing I did in Dallas. Oh, and I've been drinking a lot, too -- but that's not hard to do since I'm down to about one a week, if that, in Connecticut. (Still winning the struggle against that whole drinking alone thing, though sometimes I wonder if it's a fight worth fighting.)

On that other front, I'd been keeping a handle on spending lately after a summer of travel resulted in some alarming bills. But that's pretty much shot this month, and I still have a ways to go, as I've bought a grand total of one present and some greeting cards for Christmas.

Oh, but can I briefly revel in my first Christmas bonus ever? I started my job too late in the fiscal year to get one last year, but I got the full deal this year. It's not a huge bonus -- it'll be about a week's pay after the IRS gets done slicing and dicing -- but it's a nice sum to get this time of year.

And if you're nice to me, maybe you'll reap some benefits, too.

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