Monday, April 30, 2007

Moving on

It's a good thing I never really bothered to fully unpack from my last move, because it should save me a fair amount of time over the next couple of weeks. (Although I'm going to try as hard as I can to downsize, so some of these boxes may go straight into the trash.)

But after all the moaning I've done about where I live, I actually did something about it and will be moving to D.C. shortly. As a couple of people have already noted, I didn't really do myself any favors seeing as it's about to become summer down there. But I moved to Connecticut right as winter started, so my track record on these sorts of things isn't so stellar.

Anyhow, stay tuned for all the fun that moving entails. (Or, "entrails," if you happened to catch the most recent episode of "The Sopranos.")

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you found a place to live yet? Will you live actually in D.C.? And how long will your commute be?