Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Presentation leaves a lot to be desired

I've always thought that even at their best, a lot of fast-food ads don't do much to make sure their food looks, you know, appetizing in TV ads. Examples: Carls Jr., KFC's bowl thingy.

Now there's a site that proves these meals look even worse when you order them.

As an aside, I went to a highly touted local burger joint yesterday and was once again disappointed because it suffered from thin-patty syndrome. You know, the burgers that are the thickness you might find at a fast-food joint or in one of those packs of 20 in the supermarket freezer.

The burger tasted decent enough (it was "Virginia Kobe," whatever that is), but I was reminded of a similarly exalted place back in Portland that suffered from the same problem. I guess some people enjoy their burgers on that scale, but I prefer the ones that you almost need a fork and knife to eat. (But you must NEVER actually use utensils to eat a burger.) Actually, I have a whole thing on burger rules that I really need to get to one of these days, but I won't bore you with that right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That site is seriously awesome. But it says it's an "ongoing Pulitzer caliber project." WHAT?!