I plan to drink heavily tonight (if you read that last post, I assure you I won't be alone, so no need to worry) and I hope you have a wonderful night, too.
This makes very little sense.
For whatever reason, my circle of family and friends is going through a baby boom right now.
Anyhow, it seems 2007 is going to be a banner year for babies around these parts. And as best I can tell, that just means I have a few fewer couches to crash on as I try to execute my master plan of becoming a non-contributing member of society.
To get back to what I was talking about -- and to try to get to some sort of point -- it's just interesting seeing a lot of these changes in my hometown, particularly since I've given some thought to returning.
A lot of folks will lament that my hometown is losing its small-town charm with all these big-box stores and chains moving in, but I also see that having the stores around can make life in a relatively rural area much more convenient. But it is impressive how quickly this has all occurred. Heck, we didn't even get Taco Bell until 1994 or so.
I'm just hoping the next step isn't someone buying up the old warehouses and factories in town and turning them into lofts that go for $300/sq.ft.
And, man, this is much too serious and not at all in keeping with the tone of every other post here, so I'm going to stop now.
I’m fortunate enough to have a little bit of cash in the bank, and luckily I haven’t felt the need to go blow it all in one foolish swoop.
I do, however, wonder if I should try to con some friends into letting me crash with them for some indefinite period of time while I subsist on Cheetos and plant myself on the couch for, oh, six or seven months. (Although I have just managed to drag myself back to the gym on a regular basis, so maybe I won’t do exactly that. But you get the drift.)
But it occurs to me that I went straight from high school graduation through college either in class or at a summer job, then had about one week between graduation and an internship, which led into my first job.
And I guess this is what most people do, so I’m not going to get much sympathy.
Still, if anyone wants a houseguest for an indeterminate period of time, let me know.
I’m free beginning Dec. 13*.
* Why Dec. 13, you ask?
Well, I’m on the hook for relocation expenses if I bolt before one year, so I’m going to tough it out. being the upstanding sort that I am, I feel it’s best to give my employer one year before I tell them I’m moving on.
(By the way, this reminds us of the greatest New York Knicks story of all time, in which we learned that in 2000, then-coach Jeff Van Gundy drove a Honda Civic that got tossed into the air and flipped when the team's jet taxied too close.)