Saturday, July 22, 2006

It *feels* old, dammit

Now that I'm in official countdown mode to 3-0, which I know is not that big a deal these days but is still not a fact I'm willing to accept, I can take pretty much anything as a sign I'm old.

Case in point: I now work with people who went to college with a good friend's younger brother. I remember when this kid was born, forcing us to take our GI Joes elsewhere lest we disturb the sleeping tot. Now he's all grown up and galavanting around Southeast Asia.

I am tempted to shake my fist at him and tell him to quit having so much fun.

Also: For the first time in a long time -- and quite disturbingly -- there are more non-alcoholic drinks in my fridge than drinks containing alcohol. (And that amounts to a whopping two bottles of Samuel Adams. Light.) Man, I suck.

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